Designing and illustrating our projects in three dimensions is essential to creating better buildings. 3D information helps to clearly and fully demonstrate how a building interacts with, and enhances its setting and how it ultimately will look and feel. This forms a critical part of early conversations and allows our clients to fully understand what we are proposing.
Carefully produced 3D images become invaluable in the planning process as they accurately illustrate the design, assisting planning officers and members of the public to understand how the design harmonises with its setting, and avoid the common misinterpretation of 2D drawings. They can assist throughout a project helping clients, investors, the design team and the contractor understand the design and create a shared vision.
This is Quayside, where we demonstrate that a contemporary replacement dwelling designed to Passivhaus standards in the Suffolk Coast and Heaths AONB harmonises with its setting. The use of brick, timber and zinc complement the riverfront location, whilst illustrating how the scale works effectively alongside the other existing buildings.
The dwelling is currently being brought to life using Beattie Passive's certified Passivhaus System, and their timber frame with continuous insulation allows a low embodied carbon, low operation energy approach to living.